
Friday, August 23, 2013

A Great Homemade Natural Carpet Stain Remover That Works! :)

So I got this stain remover recipe from Youtube. Thanks Youtube!! And tried it out on the various stains I had consisting of food, dirt, glue and paint and who knows what else from my little munchkins. :) Not any really bad stains, but I wouldn't be surprised if it worked on hard ones as well, considering how fast it worked on the easier ones.

All you need is:

  1. Hot water (I just turned my kitchen/bathroom faucet on hot and waited until it got very hot and then filled up.)
  2. Distilled white vinegar
  3. A cup or squirt bottle
  4. A bristled sponge or brush
  5. A dry towel
I didn't have any white vinegar so I bought a 32 oz. bottle from dollar tree. 
(Gotta love dollar tree!) :) They have squirt bottles too. I also bought some carpet sponges (2-pack) at dollar tree that worked incredibly well at agitating the stain from the carpet without tearing it apart. You could use anything that has plastic bristles.   


Put hot water in squirt bottle or cup and fill 3/4 full. Add around 1/8-1/4 cup of white vinegar. Spray stain with vinegar water generously or carefully pour some from your cup. I did the pouring thing first and then switched to just dipping my sponge into the vinegar water and then scrubbing that way. You don't need a whole lot, just enough to wet it thoroughly. Scrub somewhat gently at first and then gradually stronger and watch your stain disappear from your very eyes! Lol! You can use your free hand to spread the carpet threads to reach the deeper part of the stain. After the stain is gone, You can wet the carpet with some clean regular temp water and then place the dry towel on top and step on it with your feet to draw up solution. Don't rub it just press on it with the towel. This will draw up the solution the best. Let it air dry and keep feet from walking on it and attracting dirt until it is fully dry.

Hope this works for you as it did for me!! 

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