
Monday, June 29, 2015

DIY Super Easy!!! Infinity Nursing Cover and Scarf -

Stitch together 2 1/2 inches in the middle of one opening side of scarf. And that's it!! This would be for a small/medium size. For a larger size you may not need to stitch at all. I just needed more closure at my waist while nursing but still wanted to use it as a scarf too. (As seen in pics)

The stitch pictured above.

This scarf is made of 100% cotton and I could tell by the material that it wasn't see through. I didn't look more after finding it, but I didn't see any other scarves in the store that weren't see through. If you look at, it will give you the measurements of each scarf. To work well as a nursing cover, the measurements need to be around 72" long and 45" wide. The width is the most important. Most of the infinity scarves are this size. You could turn a regular scarf into an infinity scarf by just simply sewing both ends together. I did that with my first attempt, mostly because I had a scarf on hand. But it was a slightly heavy fabric and I wanted a cotton or jersey knit blend for a more breathable cover. 😊 


  1. Hey girl! This is great! I'm now a follower of your blog :) Amber Vanderslice


So what are you thinking now? :]