
Monday, September 10, 2012

Home Remedy To Remove Ear Wax

So this may be a bit gross to talk about, but it is a very helpful home remedy! It sure beats making a trip to the doctor! And I have to say I was a little surprised that it worked. I owe this one to my wonderful hubby! :o)
I was thinking the other day about my 4 yr. old son and how he seemed to always be talking loud. I don't know how many times I would be telling him to keep his voice down. (I know he is a boy, but this wasn't the normal rowdiness.) While watching a movie in our van he has the headphones on high, practically blaring! I mean I could here the sound from the drivers seat! He also needed me to repeat myself like 4 or 5 times before he heard me! So, I was thinking... maybe it is because of wax?

He is really a wimp when it comes to me cleaning his ears! I'm sorry to say but its true. :o) It all started when he was younger and it tickled him when I would clean his ears. From then on, he hated having his ears cleaned. I literally had to hold him down! A while back I got the safety cue tips for children and those are so nice. He became much better with the whole process. So in saying all this, I am pretty sure that wax began to build up, but was too far in his ear for me to reach with a cue tip, much less the very short and round children ones. My husband has done this remedy on himself so he knew it worked.

What you will need:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • 2 medium-sized towels
  • Warm water
  • Bulb syringe

We had our son lay on is side on the couch with a small towel under his head. (No pillow.) Then we used the Bulb syringe to drop Hydrogen peroxide drops one at a time into his ear. I put the peroxide in a bowel and sucked some up with the syringe. Or you could suck it straight from the bottle after taking the cap off like my husband did. Put as many drops as it takes until it is full. Meaning, once you can see the peroxide in the ear then that is enough. Somewhere between 5 - 8 drops. We did it with my 2 yr. old as well and hers only took 5 drops. So it just all depends on the size of the ear. Then you have them lay there for at least 20 min. After the time is up, have them get on the floor on all fours, on top of a towel placed where there head is and have them turn their head so they are looking to the side with the ear filled with peroxide facing the ground. (You may have to hold there head that way for them with one hand and squirt with the other. Then use the syringe to squirt warm water (it can be tap water) up into their ear in quick squirts, one at a time and removing the syringe after each squirt to let the wax drain out. You will be amazed! Sure enough, my son had quite a bit of wax that was packed up in those little ears! And my daughter too. The wax just literally fell out! My husband did it along with the kids and also was the one who administered the squirting.  It can be a little intimidating, and my son jumped each time my husband squirted the water in his ear. :o) But it did the job! 

Hope this is helpful to you all!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like an excellent home remedied to use for children who hate having their ears cleaned. Thanks for sharing.


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