
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Birthing Naturally [Updated]

Photo by Inspired Images by Marissa

Note: I have been blessed with having low-risk pregnancies and therefore am promoting other mothers with the same, to consider doing a drug-free birth. Not all mother's are able to do a drug-free birth and that is completely o.k.!! 

    After experiencing being induced and receiving an epidural with my son, I knew I wanted things to go differently next time around. I had hoped to have a natural birth, but things didn't quite go as planned. My water broke, the contractions started, but when I arrived at the hospital my contractions began to slow down a bit and not continue to pick up. I realize now, that I arrived at the hospital too soon and was still in early labor. I should have labored at home longer until I was in active labor before heading to the hospital. But we do learn from the choices we make. :o) Needless to say,  after laboring for about 8 hrs. of mild to moderate contractions, my midwife decided to induce me. If I had known I could have gone longer, I would have. My contractions might have been getting ready to pick up speed. I wish I had waited until I "medically speaking" needed to be induced. And not just being induced because it was more convenient for everyone. Of course after being induced, my contractions did pick up, but they also came suddenly giving me no time to prepare for them mentally. I was stuck in the bed having to just grin and  bear it. Not a fun thing. I began to loose it, and quickly agreed to an epidural. In that situation, I did need to calm down and the epidural helped me. So I don't regret my decision entirely, but I know I wouldn't have even gotten to that point if I had been more prepared from the very beginning. 

Photo by Inspired Images by Marissa
    Anyway, my son was born healthy and strong and I am so very thankful for that regardless of how it all happened! I know now that I was not knowledgeable enough about the birthing process and what my body was actually doing to make the best decisions. When I found out I was pregnant with my second child, I decided to read more about birthing naturally to better prepare myself. And boy did it make a difference!! I had the confidence I needed to know that I could do it! And I did it! She was born all natural! I arrived at the hospital from laboring at home all day, and I was fully dilated and ready to deliver my sweet little girl! That was joyous news indeed! 
 I gained most of my knowledge about birthing from Birthing Naturally. This website was SO helpful. I read of how women coped with the labor pain and learned a great deal about what my body would feel during the delivery process.
     With Abigail's birth I was in awe of the way God designed my body to birth! It was a wonderful experience for my husband and I! Having been through both scenarios; with and without drugs, I have been able to compare the two and how they affected me personally. Here are a few things that I noticed the most.

With drugs birth
  • Since the epidural numbs everything down there, it was hard for me to really push effectively and so it took a longer amount of pushing time to get him out. About 45 min..
  • I was wheeled in a wheelchair to my "discharge" hospital room.
  • It took a while for me to regain my energy.
  • Because of the time I received the drugs I was not able to be discharged early (24 hrs.) I was induced at 1am and got the epidural around 3:45am or so. He was born at 4:44am. on a Friday. I left on a Sunday. They told me I had to wait 48 hrs. from the time I got the drugs. So that pushed us to leave later since he was born so early in the morning.
  • It does eliminate most of the "pain" during pushing and you feel mostly just "pressure" as you push.
  • As with any drug, there are risks involved.
  • Epidurals cost extra. Mine was not covered by insurance.
With out drugs birth:
  • I was able to be discharged within 24 hrs after her birth. It was actually 23 hrs. She was born at 10:52 pm on a Tuesday and then we left Wednesday around 9:30 pm.
  • I really could feel all that was going on with my body during pushing time and was able to effectively work with it to get her out.  Around 10 min. or so! Big difference!
  • I was up and walking around, and going the bathroom by myself within a very short time after her birth. Less than 40 min.. I walked myself to my discharge room.
  • I regained my energy back very quickly. My body wasn't numb from drugs but was able to bounce back normally. 
  • When you find the right position and relaxation technique to get you through each contraction its not really that bad. I was on all fours rotating my hips in a circular motion. The weight of my belly was off my back and I just focused on relaxing my muscles along with making a calm moaning sound to distract me from thinking about the pain. My poor husband... but boy did it work! :o)
  • At the beginning of each contraction, I was able to prepare myself mentally and physically, because I could feel the sensation of my body warning me that another contraction was coming. I also was able to have a "rest" time between each contraction and know when they were beginning and ending. 
     Every birth is different, so I am expecting Liberty's birth to be just as unique as Jedidiah and Abigail's. I am confident though that whether I start labor with contractions or with my water breaking, I will be able to apply all that I have learned to have an all natural, drug-free birth. And encouraging all you mother's to do the same! :o) Of course, whether you choose to use drugs or not is every mother's own decision to make.

Stay tuned for  an upcoming post on the benefits of birthing with a midwife!


  1. Interesting to see the difference for you. I must add thou that I was up moving around faster with my second, pushed for 10 min and was out of the hospital in 24 hours too! And I had drugs and loved it! My second birth was much easier than my first. I sure hope our next ones are as easy as the last ones! ;)

  2. That is interesting. It might make a difference depending on when the epidural is administered. And how much of it is given as well. That would affect how soon one is released possibly. Of course the second does have more "room" down there since its been stretched before. I know that inducing is way worse than getting an epidural though. I was just reading through it again, before I read your comment, to see if I messed up on anything... (I tend to find typos after I've already posted it and can't help but fix them), :o) and I was trying to remember how long I really did push. I know that I arrived at the hospital at about 10:25pm and then she was born at 10:52pm... I probably pushed for 10 min. as well. Oops! Oh well! I know it went by fast. Either way, a lot can play a factor whether you have an epidural or not, and every mother probably births differently whether on drugs or not. ;o] Thanks for commenting!! :o)


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